Thank you for coming to visit the little piece of cyber space we've reserved for
the greatest joy in our lives, our daughter Darbi. She is an extra-special baby.
She was born with an extra 21st chromosome. This means she has Down
Syndrome. Having Down Syndrome doesn't mean she's doomed for a terrible
life, and a rocky road. In fact, she's shown us quite the opposite.

We wanted to set up this web site, so that we could share our daughters life with
others who have children with Down Syndrome, and to possibly give hope and
shed a little light on the outlook of new parents of babies with Down Syndrome.
We want to give back to the "cyber community" what it gave to us when we
learned about Darbi having Down Syndrome last June.

If we had known what we do now about Down Syndrome, there wouldn't have
been any tears shed, or hopes for our daughter temporarily dashed when we first
found out about her diagnosis. Sure, there are associated health problems with
having this syndrome, and yes, typically, kids with Down Syndrome are typically
developmentally delayed. But, there are no guarantees with any child born in the
world. There is no guarantee that although your child is the most "beautiful"
child you've ever seen, that her brain will function at an intelligent level. There
is no guarantee that if your child is "Butt Ugly" that he or she won't be the next
Einstein or Bill Gates for that matter. There IS a guarantee, atleast in my mind,
that no matter what obstacles your child may face, you will love him or her like
you never thought possible, and that you will realize how only by the grace of
God, you are so blessed to have this child, just as you would be with any other

Please click on any of the links in this web site to learn more about Darbi. You'll
be so glad you did!
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Welcome To Darbi's Place, a site created for our beautiful daughter named Darbi, who just happens to have Down Syndrome...
This page tells a little bit about me.
Click here to learn about my open-heart surgery on December 2nd, 1999.
NEW ALBUM AUGUST 2000:  Here, you will find photos of my first six months of life.
NEW ALBUM AUGUST 2000:  This page has photos of my life from seven through eleven months of age.
NEW ALBUM AUGUST 2000:  Photos from eleven months to the present time.
NEW AUGUST 2000:  All about my first birthday.  Includes photos from my party.
NEW ALBUM AUGUST 2000:  This page has photos of my internet friends.
NEW ALBUM AUGUST 2000:  This page has photos of my friends and cousins.
UPDATED AUGUST 2000:  Click here for valuable links about Down Syndrome and other related topics.
Mommy's opinion of what it's like to have a child with Down Syndrome.
Send us an E-Mail!
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From You!